
Tired of sifting through endless forum posts and blogs trying to find just the right information you’re looking for, just to find brief “eve for dummies” babble? Sick of finally finding that “PvP” guide just to see it’s the same ill-informed, “no shit” information found everywhere else? Hate the in game help channel with those smug ass four month old characters acting like they know something? I’ve been there many times and still often run into this. In an effort to help out the freshly cooked capsuleer hot outta the clone vat, the two year old character still exploring new avenues of gameplay, and the grizzled vet whose memory is fading, I’m creating this niche FOR YOU!

This site will provide and emphasize in depth tips, guides, tricks, profit analysis, etc. etc. for ALL conceivable aspects of Eve (eventually), for those questions everyone gets and just can’t find, in addition to a few “no shit” tips. Note: If you see something you want an in-depth guide on, post up the request.

Example Questions Answered in the stuffs: “Yeah I can mine, but how do you really deal with can flippers? Do running cosmic anomalies actually make good isk? Yeah I’m wardecced in high-sec…but WHAT can I do besides sit on my ass to win? When should I armor or shield tank, what should I fit? What are good can flipping tactics? How can I trade on the market and actually MAKE ISK.

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